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Female Genital Cutting Ban in Gambia

The National Assembly has made a historic decision regarding women’s rights.

After nearly a year of intense debate, Gambia will uphold its ban on female genital cutting, also known as female genital mutilation (FGM). This decision marks a major victory for women’s rights advocates in the West African nation.

The National Assembly’s landmark decision came on Monday, as lawmakers rejected every clause of a controversial bill that aimed to repeal the existing ban on FGM. The Speaker of Gambia’s National Assembly noted that such a rejection at this stage — prior to the final vote, which was scheduled for July 24 — is unprecedented.

The debate over the bill has been intense, reflecting the deep societal divisions on the issue. However, the decision to maintain the ban is seen as a crucial step forward in protecting the rights and health of women and girls in Gambia.

This historic ruling highlights the ongoing global struggle for women’s rights and the importance of legislative action in safeguarding those rights.